Eastenders:That's My Show!

Monday, July 19, 2004

Lame-Ass Ian Does It Again

As you can image, this week's (7/17/04) Eastenders episode was melodrama-intensive. All the locals are held-up at the Queen Vic and are ordered not to leave on account of their being a gas leak and an a suspect WWII bomb that hasn't been detonated (happens every day)!
Frank and Peggy are back from vacation and come home to general chaos, bar fight and mis-management of their bar.
But I must say the most dispicable character of the week is Ian Beale for his lame-ass display of falsely accusing Melany (she left him at the alter) of carrying on an affair with Steve Owne to cover his bruised ego. But it was quite gratifying to see him shown up when it comes out that he tried to guilt Mel into marrying him by having her believe that his little girl, Lucy's test results were positive for cancer! Pretty low.


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